Panels and Sessions Organized
"Latin America and The Rise of the Right: Citizenship and Belonging." Seattle: Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 9-12 2020.
"Revisando e interrogando a violência contra a mulher: Representações Multimídia" ["Revising and Interrogating Violence Against Women? Multimedia Representations"]. Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo: International Feminist Journal of Politics Conference on Gender Violence and Feminist Resistance in Latin America, 17-19 October 2019.
“Materialist Interventions of the Latin/x Queer Archive.” Georgetown University: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association., March 7-9 2019.
Workshop on “Gender Violence and Course & Curriculum Design: Performing a Feminist Pedagogy,” with Dr. Erika Zimmermann Damer and Dr. Mari Lee Mifsud. Lesley University, Boston: Violence Against Women Conference – Representations, Interpretations, Explorations/Education, November 9 2018.
Workshop on Gender and Violence: Course Design and Pedagogy, with Erika Zimmerman Damer and Mari Lee Mifsud. University of Richmond: 2018 PhiloSOPHIA Meeting, March 24 2018.
“Wild-ing Interventions: Queer Contestations in Latin/o America Between 1900 and 1970.” Utrecht University, the Netherlands: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, July 6-9 2017.
“Los avatares de la cultura impresa: Formas alternativas de intervención política.” [“The Mishaps of Press Culture: Alternative Modes of Political Intervention”]. Lima, Perú: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, April 29-May 1 2016.
“Mobilizing Bodies; Resisting Institutionalized Discourses.” Houston: XXVI Congreso Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica, November 10-12 2016.
“Clarice Lispector periodista: Nuevas lecturas.” [“Clarice Lispector as Journalist: New Readings”]. New York: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 27-30 2016.
“Clarice Lispector and the Press: A Re-assessment.” Austin: Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 7-10 2016.
"María Moreno: La crónica como registro de exclusiones" ["María Moreno: Chronicles that Register Exclusion"] San Juan, Puerto Rico: Latin American Studies International Congress, May 27-30 2015.
"Becoming Croniclers: Latin American Women Writers and the Press, 1920-1973" (Special Session). Chicago: Annual Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 9-12 2014.
"Modos de pertenecer en Latinoamérica I: Primeros desafíos desde inicios hasta mediados del siglo XX" ["Modes of Belonging in Latin America I: First Challenges from the Beginning to the Middle of the Twentieth Century"] (Panel). Washington, D.C.: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 29-June 1 2013.
"Modos de pertenecer en Latinoamérica II: Fronteras, inclusiones y exclusiones más recientes" ["Modes of Belonging in Latin America II: Newer Frontiers, Inclusions and Exclusions"] (Panel). Washington, D.C.: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 29-June 1 2013.
“Transnational Encounters: Twentieth-Century Women Writers in Dialogue” (Seminar). Harvard University: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, March 26-29 2009.
"Charlotte Perkins Gilman in Dialogue" (Panel). San Francisco: American Literature Association 19th Annual Conference, May 22-25 2008.
Conference Presentations
“#NiUnaMenos/#NotOneLess: Latin American Activism in the Face of Feminicides.” San Francisco: National Women’s Studies Association Annual Conference, November 14-17 2019.
“La cruzada de O Cruzeiro: Las secciones dirigidas a las mujeres.” [“O Cruzeiro’s Crusade: The Pages Addressed to Women”]. Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas:Revistas Latinoamericanas: Quehaceres de la Investigación, 24-25October 2019.
"¡Basta de feminicidios!/Chega de femincídios! How Ni Una Menos/Not One Less Reshaped the Fight Against Gender Violence throughout Latin America." Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo: International Feminist Journal of Politics Conference on Gender Violence and Feminist Resistance in Latin America, 17-19 October 2019.
“‘Células Madre:’ A Materialist Feminist Encounter with Transfeminist Practices.”. Georgetown University: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, 7-9 March 2019.
“Performando un activismo feminista: El trabajo de Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez en La Marca” [“Perfoming a Feminist Activism: The Work of Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez in La Marca”], co-authored with Dr. Patricia Herrera. Casa de las Américas, Cuba: International Colloquium - Expectativas, logros y desengaños del nuevo milenio en la historia y la cultura de mujeres latinoamericanas y caribeñas, 18-22 February 2019.
Workshop on “Gender Violence and Course & Curriculum Design: Performing a Feminist Pedagogy,” with Dr. Erika Zimmermann Damer and Dr. Mari Lee Mifsud. Lesley University, Boston: Violence Against Women Conference – Representations, Interpretations, Explorations/Education, November 9 2018.
"Unsettling Agencies in Clarice Lispector's Journalism of the 1960s." The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Clarice Lispector: Memory and Belonging, December 18-19, 2018.
"Senhor: La revista que leen las señoras" ["Senhor: The Magazine that Ladies Read"]. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia: XLII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamerican, June 11-14 2018.
“Show de Mulher: Clarice Lispector’s Journalism of the 1960s.” University of Oxford, England: After Clarice: Lispector’s Legacy, November 17-18 2017.
“Queering Brazil’s Narrative of Modernization: Clarice Lispector’s Wild Interventions in the Magazine Senhor (1959-1964).” Utrecht University, the Netherlands: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, July 6-9 2017.
“Travesuras travestis de María Moreno en “La Mujer” de Tiempo Argentino (1982-1986) [“María Moreno’s Transvestite Tricks in “La Mujer” in Tiempo Argentino (1982-1986)”]. Lima, Perú: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, April 29-May 1 2016.
“Intervening Bodies: El Teje, the First Latin American Transvestite Newspaper.” Houston: XXVI Congreso Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica, November 10-12 2016.
“‘Impressões leves’: Cuerpo, discursividad y materialidad en Clarice Lispector” [“‘Impressões leves”: Corporeality, Discursiveness, Materiality in Clarice Lispector”]. New York: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 27-30 2016.
“‘Aulinhas de Sedução’: Clarice Lispector on How (Not) to Be a Woman.” Austin: 131st Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 7-10 2016.
"María Moreno: Un discurso y una mirada travesti" ["María Moreno: A Transvestite Speech and Gaze"]. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 27-30 2015.
“What does it Mean to Write the Women’s Page: Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector.” Oxford University, England: Women Writing Across Cultures Conference, September 26-28 2014.
“Poetic Renderings of Trauma after 9/11: Rasgado by Lila Zemborain (2006).” Chicago: 129th Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 9-12 2014.
“Key Moments in the Subversion of a Genre: Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector Redefine Womanhood.” Chicago: 129th Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 9-12 2014.
"(Un)inhabitable comparisons in Rasgado [Torn] by Lila Zemborain (2006), Disobedience by Alice Notley (2001), and Non son de aqui [I am not from Here] by María do Cebreiro (2008)." Paris, France: XXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, July 18-24 2013.
"Dentro y fuera de la escena cultural y literaria: la 'performance' de Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector como escritoras" ["Inside and Outside the Cultural and Literary Scene: The 'performance' of Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector as Writers"]. Washington, D.C.: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 29-June 1 2013.
"Dilemas de la identidad en Rasgado de Lila Zemborain (2006) y Non son de aqui de María do Cebreiro (2008)" ["Identity Dilemmas in Rasgado by Lila Zemborain and Non son de aqui by María do Cebreiro"]. Wake Forest University: Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, October 18-20 2012.
“‘This country where I live:’ Linguistic and Spatial Belonging in the Poetry of Alice Notley and Lila Zemborain." Denver: Conference of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers, October 10-13 2012.
“‘¿Volverás a Santiago alguna vez?:’ Pertenencia espacial y lingüística en Rasgado de Lila Zemborain (2006) y Non son de aquí de María do Cebreiro" [“ ‘Will you ever come back to Santiago?:’ Spatial and Linguistic Belonging in Rasgado by Lila Zemborain (2006) and Non son de aquí by María do Cebreiro (2008)] Universidad de Cádiz, Spain: XXXIX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamerican, July 3-6 2012.
“Aliadas e Insurrectas: Las columnas femeninas de Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector” [“Allies and Rebels: The Feminine Columns of Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector”] Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia: Simposio Redes, alianzas y afinidades: escritura de mujeres en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX. Homenaje a Montserrat Ordóñez, November 2-4 2011.
“Lenguaje y espacio hecho añicos en Rasgado de Lila Zemborain” [“Language and Space Shattered to Pieces in Rasgado by Lila Zemborain”] Habitar el género/Inhabiting gender. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain: XXI Congreso Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica, October 19-21 2011.
“Doubled Voice: Poems and Translations.” Washington, D.C.: Annual Conference of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs, February 2-5 2011.
“‘A hurtadillas:’ El desplazamiento de la columna/página femenina en Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector” [“ ‘Stealthily:’ The Displacement of the Feminine Page/Column in Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector”]. University of Richmond: Seminar on Memory and Migration in Latin America and Spain, November 18 2010.
“Mujeres en la prensa: Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector” [“Women in the Press: Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector”]. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Segundo Congreso Feminista Internacional de la República Argentina, May 19-22 2010.
“Clandestine Gestures: The Feminine Columns of Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector.” University of Massachusetts Amherst: Voices from the In-Between: Aporias, Reverberations, and Audiences Conference, April 16-18 2010.
“‘The dampness of her mother’s womb, the only place to be’ o cómo recuperar el habla después de la tragedia. Rasgado, de Lila Zemborain” [“The dampness of her mother’s womb, the only place to be’ or How to Recover Speech after the Tragedy. Rasgado, by Lila Zemborain]. Wake Forest University: International Conference on Poetry of Spain and Hispanic-America, April 9-10 2010.
“Gendering Genre: Alfonsina Storni and Charlotte Perkins Gilman.” Philadelphia: Panel of the Charlotte Perkins Gilman Society at the Fourth Conference of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers, October 21-24 2009.
“Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector: Conversación entre ellas” [ “Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector: Conversation between them” ]. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, June 11-14 2009.
“Mothering as a Site of Interpellation for Private and Public Female Subjectivities.” Harvard University: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, March 26-29 2009.
“Identidad a contrapelo: Subjetividad femenina y espacios urbanos en el diario de Carolina Maria de Jesus” [ “Identity against the grain: Female Subjectivity and Urban Spaces in Carolina Maria de Jesus’s Diary” ]. Universidad de Chile: VIII Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana (JALLA), August 11-15 2008.
“Redefining Categories of Home and World in Charlotte Perkins Gilmans’s The Forerunner.” San Francisco: American Literature Association 19th Annual Conference, May 22-25 2008.
“La cruzada de O Cruzeiro: Las secciones dirigidas a las mujeres.” [“O Cruzeiro’s Crusade: The Pages Addressed to Women”]. Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas:Revistas Latinoamericanas: Quehaceres de la Investigación, 24-25October 2019.
"¡Basta de feminicidios!/Chega de femincídios! How Ni Una Menos/Not One Less Reshaped the Fight Against Gender Violence throughout Latin America." Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo: International Feminist Journal of Politics Conference on Gender Violence and Feminist Resistance in Latin America, 17-19 October 2019.
“‘Células Madre:’ A Materialist Feminist Encounter with Transfeminist Practices.”. Georgetown University: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, 7-9 March 2019.
“Performando un activismo feminista: El trabajo de Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez en La Marca” [“Perfoming a Feminist Activism: The Work of Debora Kuetzpal Vasquez in La Marca”], co-authored with Dr. Patricia Herrera. Casa de las Américas, Cuba: International Colloquium - Expectativas, logros y desengaños del nuevo milenio en la historia y la cultura de mujeres latinoamericanas y caribeñas, 18-22 February 2019.
Workshop on “Gender Violence and Course & Curriculum Design: Performing a Feminist Pedagogy,” with Dr. Erika Zimmermann Damer and Dr. Mari Lee Mifsud. Lesley University, Boston: Violence Against Women Conference – Representations, Interpretations, Explorations/Education, November 9 2018.
"Unsettling Agencies in Clarice Lispector's Journalism of the 1960s." The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Clarice Lispector: Memory and Belonging, December 18-19, 2018.
"Senhor: La revista que leen las señoras" ["Senhor: The Magazine that Ladies Read"]. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia: XLII Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamerican, June 11-14 2018.
“Show de Mulher: Clarice Lispector’s Journalism of the 1960s.” University of Oxford, England: After Clarice: Lispector’s Legacy, November 17-18 2017.
“Queering Brazil’s Narrative of Modernization: Clarice Lispector’s Wild Interventions in the Magazine Senhor (1959-1964).” Utrecht University, the Netherlands: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, July 6-9 2017.
“Travesuras travestis de María Moreno en “La Mujer” de Tiempo Argentino (1982-1986) [“María Moreno’s Transvestite Tricks in “La Mujer” in Tiempo Argentino (1982-1986)”]. Lima, Perú: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, April 29-May 1 2016.
“Intervening Bodies: El Teje, the First Latin American Transvestite Newspaper.” Houston: XXVI Congreso Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica, November 10-12 2016.
“‘Impressões leves’: Cuerpo, discursividad y materialidad en Clarice Lispector” [“‘Impressões leves”: Corporeality, Discursiveness, Materiality in Clarice Lispector”]. New York: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 27-30 2016.
“‘Aulinhas de Sedução’: Clarice Lispector on How (Not) to Be a Woman.” Austin: 131st Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 7-10 2016.
"María Moreno: Un discurso y una mirada travesti" ["María Moreno: A Transvestite Speech and Gaze"]. San Juan, Puerto Rico: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 27-30 2015.
“What does it Mean to Write the Women’s Page: Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector.” Oxford University, England: Women Writing Across Cultures Conference, September 26-28 2014.
“Poetic Renderings of Trauma after 9/11: Rasgado by Lila Zemborain (2006).” Chicago: 129th Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 9-12 2014.
“Key Moments in the Subversion of a Genre: Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector Redefine Womanhood.” Chicago: 129th Convention of the Modern Language Association, January 9-12 2014.
"(Un)inhabitable comparisons in Rasgado [Torn] by Lila Zemborain (2006), Disobedience by Alice Notley (2001), and Non son de aqui [I am not from Here] by María do Cebreiro (2008)." Paris, France: XXth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, July 18-24 2013.
"Dentro y fuera de la escena cultural y literaria: la 'performance' de Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector como escritoras" ["Inside and Outside the Cultural and Literary Scene: The 'performance' of Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector as Writers"]. Washington, D.C.: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, May 29-June 1 2013.
"Dilemas de la identidad en Rasgado de Lila Zemborain (2006) y Non son de aqui de María do Cebreiro (2008)" ["Identity Dilemmas in Rasgado by Lila Zemborain and Non son de aqui by María do Cebreiro"]. Wake Forest University: Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference, October 18-20 2012.
“‘This country where I live:’ Linguistic and Spatial Belonging in the Poetry of Alice Notley and Lila Zemborain." Denver: Conference of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers, October 10-13 2012.
“‘¿Volverás a Santiago alguna vez?:’ Pertenencia espacial y lingüística en Rasgado de Lila Zemborain (2006) y Non son de aquí de María do Cebreiro" [“ ‘Will you ever come back to Santiago?:’ Spatial and Linguistic Belonging in Rasgado by Lila Zemborain (2006) and Non son de aquí by María do Cebreiro (2008)] Universidad de Cádiz, Spain: XXXIX Congreso del Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamerican, July 3-6 2012.
“Aliadas e Insurrectas: Las columnas femeninas de Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector” [“Allies and Rebels: The Feminine Columns of Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector”] Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia: Simposio Redes, alianzas y afinidades: escritura de mujeres en América Latina, siglos XIX y XX. Homenaje a Montserrat Ordóñez, November 2-4 2011.
“Lenguaje y espacio hecho añicos en Rasgado de Lila Zemborain” [“Language and Space Shattered to Pieces in Rasgado by Lila Zemborain”] Habitar el género/Inhabiting gender. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain: XXI Congreso Anual de la Asociación Internacional de Literatura y Cultura Femenina Hispánica, October 19-21 2011.
“Doubled Voice: Poems and Translations.” Washington, D.C.: Annual Conference of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs, February 2-5 2011.
“‘A hurtadillas:’ El desplazamiento de la columna/página femenina en Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector” [“ ‘Stealthily:’ The Displacement of the Feminine Page/Column in Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector”]. University of Richmond: Seminar on Memory and Migration in Latin America and Spain, November 18 2010.
“Mujeres en la prensa: Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector” [“Women in the Press: Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector”]. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Segundo Congreso Feminista Internacional de la República Argentina, May 19-22 2010.
“Clandestine Gestures: The Feminine Columns of Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector.” University of Massachusetts Amherst: Voices from the In-Between: Aporias, Reverberations, and Audiences Conference, April 16-18 2010.
“‘The dampness of her mother’s womb, the only place to be’ o cómo recuperar el habla después de la tragedia. Rasgado, de Lila Zemborain” [“The dampness of her mother’s womb, the only place to be’ or How to Recover Speech after the Tragedy. Rasgado, by Lila Zemborain]. Wake Forest University: International Conference on Poetry of Spain and Hispanic-America, April 9-10 2010.
“Gendering Genre: Alfonsina Storni and Charlotte Perkins Gilman.” Philadelphia: Panel of the Charlotte Perkins Gilman Society at the Fourth Conference of the Society for the Study of American Women Writers, October 21-24 2009.
“Alfonsina Storni y Clarice Lispector: Conversación entre ellas” [ “Alfonsina Storni and Clarice Lispector: Conversation between them” ]. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Latin American Studies Association International Congress, June 11-14 2009.
“Mothering as a Site of Interpellation for Private and Public Female Subjectivities.” Harvard University: Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, March 26-29 2009.
“Identidad a contrapelo: Subjetividad femenina y espacios urbanos en el diario de Carolina Maria de Jesus” [ “Identity against the grain: Female Subjectivity and Urban Spaces in Carolina Maria de Jesus’s Diary” ]. Universidad de Chile: VIII Jornadas Andinas de Literatura Latinoamericana (JALLA), August 11-15 2008.
“Redefining Categories of Home and World in Charlotte Perkins Gilmans’s The Forerunner.” San Francisco: American Literature Association 19th Annual Conference, May 22-25 2008.
Talks and Other Presentations
“O travestismo discursivo da página para mulheres na imprensa latino-americana: Alfonsina Storni, Clarice Lispector, María Moreno” [“The Discursive Transvestism of the Women’s Page in the Latin American Press: Alfonsina Storni, Clarice Lispector, María Moreno”] Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Minas Gerais, May 13-14 2019.
“Clarice no Fantástico: Performance e materialidades”[“Clarice on Fantástico: Performance and Materialities”] Universidade Federal de São Paulo, May 8 2019.
“Beyond the Biographical Sketch: Black Female Intellectuals of Virginia.” UR Downtown RVA Connections Dinner, April 2019.
“Materialidades y representaciones de los géneros y las sexualidades en las revistas culturales y de variedades durante el desarrollismo brasileño” [“Materialities and Representations of Gender and Sexualities in Brazilian Magazines under Developmentalism”] Workshop on Cultural Intervention in Latin American Magazines. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile, March 27 2019.
““De la prensa a la televisión: El Correio Feminino de Clarice Lispector”[“From the Press to the Television: Clarice Lispector’sCorreio Feminino]Inaugural Lecture for the Master’s Program in Comparative Literature Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile, March 26-28 2019.
“Clarice no Fantástico: Performance e materialidades”[“Clarice on Fantástico: Performance and Materialities”] Universidade Federal de São Paulo, May 8 2019.
“Beyond the Biographical Sketch: Black Female Intellectuals of Virginia.” UR Downtown RVA Connections Dinner, April 2019.
“Materialidades y representaciones de los géneros y las sexualidades en las revistas culturales y de variedades durante el desarrollismo brasileño” [“Materialities and Representations of Gender and Sexualities in Brazilian Magazines under Developmentalism”] Workshop on Cultural Intervention in Latin American Magazines. Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile, March 27 2019.
““De la prensa a la televisión: El Correio Feminino de Clarice Lispector”[“From the Press to the Television: Clarice Lispector’sCorreio Feminino]Inaugural Lecture for the Master’s Program in Comparative Literature Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago de Chile, March 26-28 2019.